Saturday, December 29, 2012

UR Week 1, Day 7!

Day 7-
    Oh yah!  Week one is done!  It was rough, but we made it.  Today was great.  I ate oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast.  Packed a microgreen salad for lunch and went snowboarding.  I know you are not supposed to "exercise" but it was great.  I truly think being in the house for days makes me depressed.  I needed out!  I took it easy and did not suffer any ill effects. 

    One item to note is that I forgot to pack salad dressing so I bought a package of Italian from the deli.  It was so good!  I wondered what was in this dressing that is different from the ones the UR has you make.  I read the ingredients and low and behold I found it: corn syrup.  I would say this is a good thing.  If my taste buds are changing so much from this experience that a little bit of sugar in my dressing tastes like candy causing me to mow down my salad, we are doing great!

I came home tonight and finished off the taco leftovers, and drank all 75 oz of water.  Not bad.  Now off to bed and wait to see what week 2 holds...

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