Friday, January 25, 2013

Post UR

The last two weeks have been eye opening.  I immediately went back to some of my old eating habits and regretted that.  I have confirmed the dreaded intolerance to dairy.  AHH, that is my absolute favorite food group! Damn!  So I must move on.  And there are some decent alternatives.  While in Hastings I picked up two Clean Eating magazines and have been cooking from them over the last week.  Holy cow there was some good food!  And it really did not take that long to prepare.  I may feel that way because I survived the 21 days of the Ultimate Reset and the millions of hours in the kitchen preparing food for that program. :-)

My so so recipe was the pesto scallop linguine.  I loved the pesto and scallops, but the "clean" part (aside from the yummy homemade pesto) was the whole grain linguine.  It felt gritty, and I thought I was eating dirt.  I wish I could use regular spaghetti. 

My favorite recipes: pomegranate steak with balsamic vinegar, fish tacos, and fajitas.  Now the meat recipes called for beef, but my house is powered on venison and elk.  I did have to go buy the scallops and halibut.  Yikes, that was pricey, but a god treat.  I probably will not cook those to recipes too often.  I also have really enjoyed making a sour cream alternative using Greek yogurt, lime juice, and cilantro.

I had an Amazon buying binge last week and bought Practical Paleo, the Clean Eating cookbook (same people as the magazine) and Karma Chow (the chef that designed the Ultimate Reset).  I just opened the Practical Paleo and was very happy with what I saw.  The book is huge, and not just a cook book.  The first 1/2 is educational based discussing the paleo concept, the digestive system, thyroid issues, just a bunch of good stuff.  So I am going to sign off and look for a yummy banana dessert.

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